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Latest measures coming into force 6pm on Friday

Angling Cymru

From 6pm on Friday 23rd October 2020 new restrictions come into place in Wales. Latest measures & what they mean for angling here in Wales. The Government guidance is:-

Can I leave home to exercise? Yes. Exercise is important for physical and mental health, and you can leave home as often as you like to exercise as long as you do so from home and alone or with members of your household (and/or a carer). What kind of exercise is permitted? There are no legal limits on this, but in practice this is constrained by other restrictions that have been imposed such as the closure of leisure centres, gyms and swimming pools. As one of the purposes of the restrictions is to reduce pressure on the Welsh NHS, we also ask people to avoid activities that involve a significant degree of risk (for example swimming or other exercise at sea, or in lakes, rivers or other waterways). Can I exercise by going fishing or horse riding? This is not specifically prohibited. However, you should not be driving to get to somewhere to exercise, and the need to carry sports equipment isn’t regarded as a justification on its own for driving in these circumstances. This will mean in practice most people cannot do these things for the short period of the lockdown. All exercise must be undertaken alone or with members of your household. These are taken from the Frequently Asked Questions on the Welsh Government website For anglers in Wales this means a) you can go fishing if you can walk to your venue (& if it is open) b) cannot drive to go fishing c) only fish alone or with members of your own household d) can travel for essential maintenance & welfare of livestock for fisheries e) no boat fishing unless it is only with members of your own household & if Marina's, Harbours & launch sites are open. It is not clear at the moment what stage we will return to on 9th November. We are meeting regularly with Sport Wales, Welsh Sports Association & Welsh Government to advise that angling can return to pre-lockdown regulations on this date.



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