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Angling Cymru seek two board directors to Chair new Coarse and Game sub-committees

Angling Cymru

Updated: May 30, 2024

After a recent restructuring phase, we are currently seeking to appoint two new board directors. We are in search of experienced individuals to chair our new sub-committees, Coarse Anglers and Game Anglers. The appointed chairs will play a crucial role in overseeing the coarse/game angling disciplines in Wales, acting as a vital connection between the sub-committees and the Angling Cymru Board. Their task will involve leveraging the expertise, knowledge, and enthusiasm of the members of the coarse/game anglers sub-committees to advance the objectives outlined in the overarching Welsh Angling Strategy.

If you would like to schedule an informal meeting with the chair of Angling Cymru, please get in touch with us by emailing

We welcome applications from any person who is eligible to undertake a company director role. In particular we encourage applications from women, ethnic minority candidates, people with a disability and Welsh speakers as these groups are currently under-represented on our board.

Download the Recruitment Pack

Closing date 24th June 2024.



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